Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Under Way!

St. James Marina
 The morning thunder storm arrived with great vengeance as had been forecast.  We used the morning for a few more chores in preparation for our departure.  The storms passed and at noon on May 6th we slipped off the last line and departed our slip at St. James Marina, on our way at last.  The sun shone brightly as we departed the marina and entered the Intracoastal Waterway. 

Departing the Marina  

Entering the Cape Fear River
The Southport Waterfront

Snows Cut

We had a beautiful trip to Wrightsville Beach where we spent a lovely evening at anchor. 
Anchorage at Wrightsville Beach

Enjoying the Evening

A Beautiful Day on the Intracoastal Waterway

 We had the anchor up at 7:45 as we departed for Beaufort.   We had hoped to go “outside” on this stretch but the seas had not yet settled down after the days of strong wind we had recently endured.   We had an uneventful day, making the bridge openings with ease.  Our boat has an advantage over many boats navigating these waters; our low profile allows us to go under many of the bridges without waiting for the scheduled openings.  The tide was such that it allowed us just enough room to proceed under the Onslow Beach Bridge when we arrived.  The restricted area at Camp Lejeune was not active so we were able to continue without delay.

Hali Watches a Barge and Tow as They Pass

Our Slip in Beaufort
 As we approached Swansboro the clouds began to return and by Morehead City the sky opened up yet again.  As we approached Beaufort, the rain was coming down hard so Leslie donned her rain gear and stepped out to ready the lines.  Once we were docked and the electrical connections made, the rain abated and soon the sun shone brightly again as we set out to enjoy the small waterfront town of Beaufort.  We decided to spend an extra day here to allow Hali a chance to accommodate gradually to her new lifestyle. 
Beaufort, NC

Beaufort Spelled In Nautical Flags

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