Monday, May 6, 2013


Bringing Out Supplies
Preparing the Dinghy

Ready to Go!
With our preparations complete, our friends John and Nancy Olson picked us up as planned at 2:30 on May 1st.  We were excited, the day had arrived and all of our planning and preparation had been completed.  With goodbyes said, we settled down for our first evening aboard “Somewhere”, our home away from home.  Awakening on the second of May we were anxious to get underway but our check of the weather indicated winds were brewing.  Our first planned night was at anchor so we opted to stay put for one more day.  The weather went from
bad to worse and 15 to 20 knot winds increased to 20 to 30 knot winds; we remained in our slip waiting for the winds to subside.  We watched boat after boat limp into the marina after a rough day on the water and stay put waiting, as we were, for an improvement in the weather.  The weather report for May 6th looks promising; we will depart this morning to begin our adventure heading north to go Down East.

Hali, the Dock Monitor

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