Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Circle Completed

On October 3rd we arrived back in New York City, thus completing the “Down East Circle” portion of our trip.  What a fabulous trip it has been!  We had departed New York City on June 6th, heading north on the Hudson River.  On the 6th of July we entered Canada by way of the Richelieu River, traveling to Montreal and then heading east toward Quebec City and out to the Bay of St. Lawrence.  We then headed along the eastern coast of Canada, reaching Prince Edward Island and the Bras d’ Or Lakes before heading west again along the coast of Nova Scotia and reentering the United States on the 4th of September in Southwest Harbor, Maine.  We traveled roughly 3000 miles, went through 35 locks, saw whales, seals, unusual birds and marveled at the sheer natural beauty.  We visited large cities and picturesque tiny villages and met many wonderful people along the way.  The pictures that follow are but a glimpse into the adventure known as the Down East Circle Route.

The Big Apple

George Washington Bridge

Bear Mountain

Sunset on the Hudson River

The Flight Locks at Waterford

The Champlain Canal

Anchored on Lake Champlain

The Historic Chambly Canal


Traffic on the St. Lawrence River

Quebec City


The Saguenay Fjord

The Gaspe Peninsula

Perce Rock
Crossing the Baie de Chaleur

Checking for Line from the Lobster Trap We Hit

Departures at Sunrise

Beautiful Anchorages

Enjoying Time With Friends



The Fog Cleared as We Crossed the Border into the U.S.A.

Southwest Harbor, Maine




The Cape Cod Canal

Edgartown Light, Martha's Vineyard

Fall in Stonington, CT

We returned to New York City by way of Long Island Sound, the East River and Hell Gate.
The Battery

Not all of the days were sunny!
Some Days This Was Our View

Fog Seemed to Form Instantly

And Then There Was This!

When you get right down to it, it is really all about the journey!
The Markers Lead to the Next Adventure!
Our journey is not over, however.  After 12 days in New York waiting for the replacement of our transmission cooler and then for the wind to lay down enough to calm the seas and allow us to transit the Coastal waters of New Jersey, we began the next leg of our journey, the trip back to North Carolina.  We departed on the 15th of October to find that the weather forecast was very optimistic.  The ocean was still quite rough.  Anchoring in a picturesque cove inside Sandy Hook, we waited for better weather.   
Horseshoe Cove, Sandy Hook

The next morning, the seas were much calmer.  With four to six foot swells, the ride to Atlantic City was really quite nice.  
Atlantic City as we Entered Absecon Inlet

Golden Nugget Marina

We were able to complete the last of our open ocean legs when we entered the inlet at Cape May.  We celebrated with dinner at the Lobster House! 
Looking Back As We Enter Cape May Inlet


  1. What a great blog! it sounds like you folks had a wonderful trip. we have talked about doing it on a much smaller boat - compac 23 sailboat - and spreading it out over a number of years, taking 5 or 6 weeks each summer to complete a leg. who knows if that will actually happen, but it sure is fun to dream about it, and your blog makes the trip all that more appealing! thanks for doing such a nice job of documenting your trip. jason thatcher

    1. Thank you, Jason. It is a fabulous trip, I wish you all the best in your planning and in your adventures!

  2. Leslie - we just discovered your blog - thank you for posting! We are planning to do the Circle tour in 2015 and are gathering as much information as we can. We have some questions for you - probably lots of questions for you - is there a way we can be in contact? Dan & Kathy Pease, Camden ME capt.revere at gmail dot com.
