Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back in the USA!

We had been in Yarmouth for two days with wind, fog and rain.  When we awoke on the 4th of September the fog had lifted.  We viewed this as a sign.   We had prepared our navigation route in order to be ready when the conditions were right.  Checking the weather forecast again we believed that our weather window had opened.  At 7:40 on September 4th we slipped off the lines and departed Yarmouth, Nova Scotia heading for the coast of Maine.
Departing Yarmouth Harbor

Heading into Open Water
The conditions were very good when we got out into open water, one to two foot swells.  As we got further off shore the swells got a bit bigger but there were no white caps.  Several hours into the trip we entered yet another fog bank. After some time in the fog, we could see on our chart plotter that we were approaching the border of the United States.  When we crossed the border, as if on cue, the fog lifted and the sun shone brightly, a whale surfaced ahead slapping the water with his fluke!   
The Fog Ended Abruptly as we Crossed Back Into the United States!
We had a beautiful trip the rest of the way into Southwest Harbor on Mt. Desert Island, Maine.  It was 121 miles across and took us just over nine hours.  We had loved our time in Canada; we had seen many places and met many wonderful people so it was bittersweet when we realized that this part of our trip was behind us.  Despite this, we were happy to be back in the United States, ready to explore the New England coast. 
Land Ahead!

Appraoching Mount Desert Island

Sailboat in the Harbor
Southwest Harbor is a quaint village on Mount Desert Island with a specialty grocery, a wonderful bakery and excellent restaurants.
The Village of Southwest Harbor

B & B

Southwest Harbor
Maine means lobster and we found that a lobster fisherman bases his operation from the dock on which we were tied!  We bought lobsters from him and one of the dock hands agreed to assist us in cooking them.  The lobsters were placed into a blue box which floated in the water keeping them alive until we were able to cook them.  In the morning the pot was readied and in they went!   A fantastic feast awaited!
Our Lobsters Are in There         

6 of These are Ours

Ready to Go

Boiling Water in the Pot

Looks Like a Feast!
The plan was to rent a car to explore the island but because there was a cruise ship in port in Bar Harbor we were unable to secure a rental car.  L.L. Bean operates a shuttle around Mt. Desert Island, this was our back up plan.  Despite the off season schedule we were able to get to Bar Harbor for a wonderful afternoon.  We enjoyed a delicious lunch on a veranda which overlooked the Village Green. 
Bar Harbor Inn

The Village Green as Seen From Cherry Stones Restaurant

Horse Drawn Carriage in Bar Harbor

The Harbor at Bar Harbor

We look forward to continuing our exploration of the coast of Maine.

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