Monday, June 24, 2013


The flooding on the Erie Canal was severe and has damaged several locks closing the entire canal system.  Currently everything is open again with the exception of locks 8 through 15 on the Erie Canal.  While waiting for the system to reopen we have been at the Castleton Boat Club, 8 miles south of Albany, New York.  Known as the friendliest club on the river, they have truly lived up to that reputation.  The first weekend they had an open house and included those of us who were visiting the area.  A wonderful time was had by all.  On the weekends the members take turns preparing breakfast or lunch and we have been invited to join in as well.
Open House at Castleton Boat Club

Trains Run Close to the Marina, Hali Jumps Onto the Seat When She Hears it coming!

Additionally, we rented a car to give us a few more options.  When we passed through this area in 2009 we had enjoyed Albany very much and remembered it fondly.  We wanted to return to experience more of this vibrant city.  We took the tour of the State Capital.  The Senate Chambers was proclaimed to be the “most beautiful room in America” at its dedication in 1881 and the “million dollar staircase” was quite spectacular as well. Albany is a beautiful riverfront city with interesting architecture. 
Governor Nelson Rockefeller Empire State Plaza

New York State Capitol

State University of New York, Formerly the Delaware and Hudson Railroad Building

Union Station

A Very Interesting 9-11 Exhibit at the New York State Museum

We found Washington Park, a wonderful place to let Hali run.
The Moses Statue

A Beautiful Lake at Washington Park

The Saratoga National Historical Park was very interesting.  Set on a bluff overlooking the Hudson River, the peaceful, wooded setting commemorates the Battles of Saratoga, fought on September 19 and October 7, 1777 in which General Horatio Gates defeated General Burgoyne’s British forces.  It is said to have been the turning point in the Revolutionary War because it was after this victory that the French joined with the patriots against the British.

A Peaceful Place

John Neilson House 

Monument to Benedict Arnold, Yes He Was a Hero Before He Became a Traitor

The Site of the British Headquarters Overlooking the Hudson River

It has been interesting to see the results of such a rain event on the river.  The water was several feet above normal when we arrived and flood warnings were posted.  The high water floats any debris which has been stranded on the banks; there was an amazing amount of material floating down the river, entire trees among other things!  The Hudson River is still tidal as far north as Troy (still to our north) and for the first several days after the rains we never saw the tide turn, the runoff from the storms was so great. Debris continues to flow down the river today.
High Water on the Hudson

Debris Flowing Down the River
Low Tide

High Tide. It Was Several Feet Higher at the Highest Point

We have been waiting for 10 days for the Erie Canal to reopen.  The New York State Canal System is working diligently to repair the damage but without a firm estimate of the length of the closure, we have decided to depart in the morning and head north through the Champlain Canal into Lake Champlain and head into Canada and the St. Lawrence River by way of the Richelieu River.  This will be a beautiful trip; we are looking forward to returning to the “Blue Highway”.
Harry Will Miss His Snazzy Rental Car!

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